Qin Lu

Email: Qin.Lu@uga.edu

Short Bio:  Qin Lu received the B.S. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2013 and the Ph.D. degree with Profs. Yaakov Bar-Shalom and Peter Willett from the University of Connecticut (UConn) in 2018. Following the post-doctoral training with Prof. Georgios B. Giannakis at the University of Minnesota, she joined the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Georgia as an Assistant Professor in 2023. Her research interests are in the areas of signal processing, machine learning, data science, and communications, with special focus on Gaussian processes, Bayesian optimization, spatio-temporal inference over graphs, and data association for multi-object tracking. She received the National Scholarship from China twice. She was awarded the Summer Fellowship and Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from UConn. She was also a recipient of the Women of Innovation Award by Connecticut Technology Council in 2018, the NSF CAREER Award in 2024, and Best Student Paper Award in IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Workshop in 2024.


I have multiple openings for PhD students with full RA support starting Spring/Fall 2025. If you are interested in working with me, please drop me an email with your CV, transcripts, and sample publications (if any). 


Dec. 2024: One paper accepted by ICASSP 2025!

Nov. 2024: We are going to present a tutorial on "Bayesian Optimization for NextG Communications and Networking" at WCNC 2025! See you in Milan, Italy!

Oct. 2024: Received a collaborative E-Seed internal grant from UGA!

Sep. 2024: Received a collaborative EC3 grant from UGA!

Sep. 2024: One paper submitted to ICASSP 2025!

Aug. 2024: Our paper on active learning is accepted by T-SP!

July 2024: Our paper "Active labelling for online ensemble learning" (coauthored with K. D. Polyzos and Prof. G. B. Giannakis) won Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE SAM Workshop!

Apr. 2024: Two papers accepted by the IEEE SAM Workshop 2024!

Feb. 2024: Excited to receive the prestigious NSF CAREER award!

Nov. 2023: I was invited to give a talk at the ECE seminar series, University of Rochester!

Sept. 2023: Invited talk at the Haiyun Seminar hosted by Xiamen University!

Sept. 2023: One paper submitted to T-SP!

Aug. 2023: One paper on Bayesian optimization for management of MEC is accepted by T-WC

July 2023: I joined the School of ECE, College of Engineering, University of Georgia!

Jun. 2023: Presented two papers at ICASSP 2023!

Mar. 2023: Our paper on Bayesian optimization accepted by T-PAMI!

Nov. 2022: Presented two papers at Asilomar 2022!

Oct. 2022: Two papers submitted to AISTATS 2023!

Oct. 2022: Two papers submitted to ICASSP 2023!

Sept. 2022: One paper on Bayesian optimization submitted to T-PAMI!

May 2022: Two papers submitted to Asilomar 2022!

Mar. 2022: Paper "Incremental Ensemble Gaussian Processes" accepted by Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence!

Feb. 2022: New paper submitted to Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)!

Jan. 2022:  Two new papers submitted to ICML 2022!

Nov. 2021: Presented three papers at Asilomar 2021!

Oct. 2021: New paper on Ensemble Gaussian processes for online graph-guided learning accepted by Transactions on Signal Processing!

Jun. 2021: New paper "Incremental Ensemble Gaussian Processes" submitted to Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence!

Jun. 2021: Presented three papers at ICASSP 2021!

May 2021: New paper submitted to  Transactions on Signal Processing!

Apr. 2021:  New paper on spatio-temporal inference over multi-relational graphs published in Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks!